When are you happiest?

I’ve been happiest spending time with my family, walking the streets with my camera, collaborating with creative people on a new project. I am a street photographer and love walking the streets and seeing narratives unfolding everywhere. I am working on a book and that is a new challenging and creative project.

Where did your love of theatre come from ?

When I was 15 and my mom dragged me to a meeting of a local community theatre startup, and I was hooked.  I had found my tribe. My community theatre director, whom I met at this time, 

made me read to her while she was driving the car.  I would read everything from Little Women to  Crime and Punishment to An Actor Prepares. I used to get horribly carsick but she insisted I  would ‘work through it.’ I credit my love of reading to her and her wide ranging suggestions.  I never read in a moving vehicle, however.

Who encouraged you  along the way ?

My mother and my sister have always influenced my view of the world.  Their continued enthusiasm and energy for their work, family and the arts have inspired me.  I am also surrounded by so many women who are reinventing themselves in magnificent ways.

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